Curtin inspires engineers’ communication skills

Judges, audience and participants during the competition


MIRI: The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Student Chapter of Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) recently organised the internal heats of the ‘Speak Out for Engineering’ competition. The event aimed to spotlight the communication skills of aspiring engineers at Curtin Malaysia and provide them with a platform to translate complex engineering concepts into engaging presentations.

The competition brought together enthusiastic participants who demonstrated their ability to effectively convey technical ideas to a wider audience in under 20 minutes. Through their presentations on a diverse range of topics, these aspiring engineers tackled various challenging engineering concepts, showcasing their expertise and passion for the field.

Of the six participants, one was from the Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering, and five were from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Curtin Malaysia’s Faculty of Engineering and Science. Faculty members and industry experts served as judges for the competition, lending their expertise and knowledge to evaluate the participants’ presentations. Their extensive experience in the field ensured that the judging process was fair and comprehensive.

Champion Ivan Wong Xin Shan (right) receives his prize from organising chair Joel Vun Khai Qian (left) and vice organising chair Chin Ke Ying (middle).

Nevertheless, as all the participants put in their best, the judges had a tough time selecting the winners who will represent Curtin Malaysia at a national-level competition featuring competitors from all IMechE student chapters in Malaysia later this year.

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The participants took on the challenge of breaking down complex engineering topics into easily understandable presentations, focusing on clarity, creativity, and effective communication. The competition provided a unique opportunity for students to enhance their public speaking skills and gain valuable experience in presenting technical information to diverse audiences.

The internal heats of the competition were a resounding success, showcasing the immense talent and potential of the aspiring engineers at Curtin Malaysia. The participants’ ability to effectively communicate complex engineering concepts not only impressed the judges but also highlighted the importance of clear and concise communication in the field of engineering.

Kenneth Lim Zheng Yuan (right) receives the first runner-up prize from Vun and Chin.

At the end of the heats, Ivan Wong Xin Shan from the Mechanical Engineering Department emerged as the champion, while Kenneth Lim Zheng Yuan, also from the Mechanical Engineering Department, was declared the first runner-up.

“I am both proud and grateful to be the champion. In fact, I still cannot believe I won,” said an overjoyed Wong.

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“The competition was more than just presentations; it required multiple skills as we needed to research, write, and summarise our content, making sure it was convincing to both the judges and the audience.”

Wong highly recommends that aspiring engineers join such competitions as it is a chance to hone their technical knowledge and communication skills. It is also an opportunity for them to be creative in their presentations to stand out from the rest.

Lim also said he did not expect to win as he entered the competition merely to gain more experience, but he is very pleased nonetheless at coming in second. He thanked the IMechE Curtin Malaysia Student Chapter for giving engineering students at Curtin Malaysia the opportunity to showcase their public speaking skills and also to research subject areas they might not be that familiar with.

“Overall, it was a very engaging and meaningful event,” he remarked.

Meanwhile, Associate Professor Law Ming Chiat, associate professor of mechanical engineering and advisor to the IMechE Curtin Malaysia Student Chapter, congratulated Wong and Lim on their achievements, saying both made full use of the 20-minute presentation time to convey as much information as they could and were almost flawless in their presentations.

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Judges, participants, IMechE Student Chapter committee and members of the audience.

“The judges were very impressed. The participants’ impressive performance in the competition underscored the significance of effective communication in engineering and also highlighted Curtin Malaysia’s commitment to producing well-rounded engineers who can bridge the gap between technical intricacies and real-world understanding,” said Associate Professor Law.

The IMechE Curtin Malaysia Student Chapter is a student-led organization at Curtin Malaysia focused on promoting excellence and professional development within the field of mechanical engineering. The chapter organises various events and competitions to provide students with valuable experiences and opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. The chapter looks forward to organising more events and competitions in the future to further develop the communication skills of aspiring engineers and promote excellence in the field.

Information on Curtin Malaysia can be found on its website at or look for Curtin Malaysia on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

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