International Jazz Day 2024: All That Jazz!

Chan Tyng Tyng (centre) has always been passionate about modern jazz dance for its dynamics and fluidity.


In November 2011, the UNESCO General Conference proclaimed April 30 as “International Jazz Day”. This International Day brings together communities, schools, artists, historians, academics, and jazz enthusiasts all over the world to celebrate the cultural diversity and learn about the art of jazz, its roots, its future and its impact. To commemorate the day, New Sarawak Tribune speaks to dance teacher and modern jazz dancer, Chan Tyng Tyng.

Visually dynamic, technically challenging artform

Today, the world celebrates International Jazz Day. Jazz, a type of music genre, originated from the African-American community of New Orleans, United States, between the late 19th and early 20th century. It incorporates elements of African and European music traditions, improvisation, syncopation, and swing rhythms.

The story of jazz is written in the quest for human dignity, democracy and civil rights. It has given strength to the struggle against discrimination and racism. 

According to the human rights organisation UNESCO, “International Jazz Day” is intended to raise awareness of the virtues of jazz as an educational tool and a force for empathy, dialogue and enhanced cooperation among people.

The one that stood out

Chan’s student under Tyng Tyng Dance Academy, Carmen Chaw, won a gold medal in the Asia Open Dance Championship 2022 under the Modern Jazz category.

Professional dancer and dance coach Chan Tyng Tyng is one of the local practitioners of modern jazz dance movement. Drawn by the rhythm and expression found in modern jazz dance, the style stood out among the many that she had explored since she was young and it is the one that resonated with her most on a deeper level.

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According to Chan, modern jazz dance is a vibrant and expressive form that evolved from traditional jazz music and dance styles. “Modern jazz dance is often characterised by its rhythmic complexity, theatricality and dynamic expressiveness, making it a staple in both theatrical and film choreography.

“It first emerged in the early 20th century, deeply rooted in African-American vernacular dance, and was later enriched by Caribbean influences. In the 1950s, choreographers like Jack Cole, Jerome Robbins, and Bob Fosse began to stylise jazz dance, emphasising performance elements that made it popular on stage and screen,” she added.

Chan also disclosed that choreographer Bob Fosse, known for his work “All That Jazz”, introduced sleek footwork, sharp poses, and a captivating style to audiences worldwide.

Rhythm, moves and stories

Among the many dances that Chan practices, the modern jazz dance captivated her most through the music’s groove and upbeat nature. She loved it for its connection with both the dance and the audience and also its ability to turn each performance into a celebration of movement and creativity.

“I joined modern jazz dance during my primary school days and found that it perfectly suited my passion for expressive, energetic storytelling. The style allows for a wide range of creative movements, from subtle and intricate to bold and dramatic, making every performance uniquely exhilarating,” the 37-year-old said.

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Elaborating, Chan said that modern jazz dance is a hybrid form that incorporates elements of ballet and hip-hop while also offering a diverse palette of movements. “Ballet’s structured techniques provide a foundation of grace and precision, while hip-hop adds a layer of spontaneity and impact through its dynamic expressions and rhythmic variations.

“This combination allows modern jazz dancers to execute movements that range from fluid balletic lines to sharp, accented hip-hop styles, creating a visually dynamic and technically challenging performance,” the dance teacher said.

Like any other dance movement, modern jazz dance entails its own challenges. For Chan, the style itself is physically demanding, requiring dancers to master quick, complex sequences that include different speeds and heights.

“One vivid memory that I have involves a jazz performance in Singapore, where the choreography demanded high-energy movements right from the start. The intense rehearsal sessions led to physical injuries, including bruised knees and a sprained ankle,” she recalled.

Chan also shared that the mental aspects of the dance were just as significant. “There were times during my training in Singapore when the exhaustion and pain were overwhelming, especially when I’m ill or injured. However, these experiences taught me resilience and deepened my commitment to mastering this art form.”

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Passion for modern jazz dance amongst Kuchingites

Chan, who established her Tyng Dance Academy in 2006, shared that, at present, the market for modern jazz dance in Kuching is still developing. However, there is growing interest among local youth and dance enthusiasts.

“This growing interest indicates a promising potential to integrate modern jazz dance more prominently into our curriculum.

“At my dance academy, we specialise in classical ballet, American Latin, modern ballroom, K-pop for kids, and classical Chinese dance. However, we also offer custom modern jazz choreography for competitions.

We even have a student of the academy who won a gold medal at the Asia Open Dance Championship in 2022.”

She added that though the dance genre attracts a diverse age range, it is particularly popular among teenagers and young adults who appreciate its energetic and expressive nature.

“Older adults with previous dance experience also find modern jazz appealing as it allows them to explore creative movement within a more structured form. Our academy caters to all ages, providing them with an opportunity to experience the joy and artistic expression of modern jazz dance,” she added.

Whether it is through dance movements or musical instruments, the International Jazz Day remains an important celebration of culture and heritage and to show our appreciation towards the music genre. 

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