Author: Karambir Singh

Steep learning curves

Always be prepared, expect the unexpected. –ANONYMOUS We are 28 days into our movement control order (MCO) and have another 14 days to go if there is no extension. These past 28 days I am sure have been a challenge for us as individuals. However, for the Sarawak government and

One for all, all for one

The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity — or it will move apart.   – FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, USA’S 32ND PRESIDENT  Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno, a Latin phrase meaning ‘One

Musings on ‘Stay at Home’

When you’re in a crisis of, you know, tremendous proportions, it’s beyond any human capability to control, you just make the best decisions you can, and you just hope that your intuition is correct. – RUDY GIULIANI, AMERICAN POLITICIAN, ATTORNEY, AND PUBLIC SPEAKER We are now into our 14th day

Let’s together stop the third wave

For the first time in history we can track the evolution of a pandemic in real time. Influenza viruses are notorious for their rapid mutation and unpredictable behaviour. – Margaret Chan, Chinese-Canadian physician who served as the WHO director-general  Crowded coffee shops, markets, supermarkets and streets. This is although we

Adapting to new norms

Adaptation seems to be, to a substantial extent, a process of reallocating your attention.   – DANIEL KAHNEMAN, ISRAELI-AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST AND ECONOMIST ‘Be Prepared’, something I remember from my time in the scouts. Sometimes no matter how forewarned we are about an impending situation; we tend to take it easy.

Leadership and making hard choices

A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them.   – M. D. Arnold, author  Leadership is about a person’s ability to guide a group of people or an organisation towards achieving some predetermined vision and goals. True leadership is much

Hops, twists, turns and knots

Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong. – THEODORE ROOSEVELT, 26TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Tumultuous is actually a comparatively mild word to describe the shenanigans that have been taking place in Malaysian

Here we go again!

All political careers are a rollercoaster. – KENNETH CLARKE, BRITISH CONSERVATIVE PARTY POLITICIAN WHO SERVED AS CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER FROM 1993 TO 1997 The political rollercoaster in Malaysia since the 14th general election has always been in high gear. This election saw the ouster of the Barisan National (BN)

Treasure in a city…

Preserving parks and open spaces is a winner because it doesn’t need to be explained to everyday Americans. – FRANK LUNTZ, AMERICAN POLITICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT An area of 93.65 hectares of lush greenery in the heart of a city. A place that is also by the sea with a

Unity in festivals — that’s Sarawak

Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbours into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being. In short, they make cities better places to live. – DAVID BINDER, BRITISH-BORN AMERICAN JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR I always find there is ‘something’ about festivals, any festival.