Author: Tania Lam

Singapore has potential for high-tech farm produce

KUCHING: Singapore’s core strategy of source diversification is an opportunity for Sarawak to enter the market there. “They do not rely on just one source for their products,” said Sarawak Trade and Tourism Office Singapore (Statos) chief executive officer Chew Chang Guan during the ‘Talking About What Really Matters’ forum

Politicking leads to missed opportunities

KUCHING: The new federal government politicking among themselves and its lack of clarity and direction in economic strategies has resulted in Malaysia missing opportunities arising from external economic tension, said Federation of Chinese Associations president Datuk Richard Wee. He said that neighbouring countries had taken advantage of the trade war

‘Capitalise on opportunities’

KUCHING: The youths of Sarawak must be proactive in capitalising on opportunities in the entrepreneurial sector.  Koperasi Belia Inovatif Sarawak (Kobis) chairman Zaiwin Kassim said that connectivity was one of the strengths of youths and he urged them to connect with the world in entrepreneurial matters.  “The trend of social

Six more hydrogen refilling stations

Sustainability and Renewable Energy Forum (SAREF) KUCHING: The Sarawak government will construct six more hydrogen refilling stations to cater for the anticipated needs of the transportation sector and to develop the state’s green energy agenda. Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said that two of the six stations

Upgrade tourism services

KUCHING: The private sector must be proactive in providing quality services in the tourism industry, urged Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg. “The state government through its agencies will continue to attract people to come to Sarawak,” he said. He expressed his hope that local partners would upgrade

Tourism pioneer wins Hornbill Special Award

KUCHING: Philip Yong Khi Liang, co-founder and managing director of Borneo Adventure, was awarded the Hornbill Special Award (Individual) during the 8th Sarawak Hornbill Tourism Awards 2017/2018 – winning him RM10,000, a trophy, and certificate. The awards ceremony was held at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) here on Saturday.

Boosting health tourism industry

KUCHING: The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture will collaborate with relevant groups and authorities to boost the health tourism industry in Sarawak. Its minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said that health tourism can provide lucrative opportunities to local private hospitals and medical practitioners, as well as the related

Early Christmas gifts for the disabled

KUCHING: Some 30 members of the Ministry of Growth (Grow with the Handicapped) from St Joseph’s Cathedral here were all smiles after they received Christmas gifts at the Growth annual Christmas party yesterday. The party was held at the Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC) here and jointly organised

An inclusive Sarawak Christmas

KUCHING: In a truly unique Sarawak style, Christmas is celebrated by all in the state regardless of their religious beliefs and racial backgrounds. Nurse Siti Rosumizah, 23, said she is proud to be a Sarawakian because of this. “Even though my friends and I are Muslims, we can still visit

PRS to negotiate for more seats

KUCHING: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) secretary-general Datuk Janang Bungsu has suggested that the party negotiate for more seats in the next state election than its current 11. “We are not weak, we are getting stronger,” he said during a PRS pre-Christmas and thanksgiving dinner here on Thursday. He urged PRS