Category: Beauty & Health

The process of chemical peeling

A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers. The skin that

Fashion from East Kalimantan

Fanti Wahyu Nurvita is the owner of ‘Hesandra Indonesia’, which she had founded in 2008 with the aim of lifting East Kalimantan onto the world

From Sarawak to the world

Natural beauty, natural talent ― Hannie Phang In a recent interview with the New Sarawak Tribune, Hannie shared her experiences after being crowned the overall

Maintain nutrients when cooking

You eat a balanced diet with plenty of different vitamins and minerals. But that could be for naught with the wrong preparation. It can be

Supermoms and their work life balance

Albeit having commitments at home and at work, it does not hinder Patricia Tan and Diana Alin’s affection for the centre stage. Most recently, two

Venezuelans turn to alternative medicine

The small waiting room at the home of self-styled healer ‘Brother Guayanes’ in Caracas’ rundown Petare district fills up quickly with patients — business has