Category: Column

Balancing laughter and sensibility

If you keep making jokes like that, somebody is going to shoot you, father. – Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of assassinated US president Abraham Lincoln

Land ahoy!

Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes. – Marcel Proust, French novelist The 15th century code for empire-building was

Walking the talk, the Abang Jo way

 No matter what stories others tell us, actions will always reveal their true intentions. ― Charles F Glassman, author SARAWAK made the headlines this week,


Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.   – Caitlin Houston, American blogger I have

Vampires, Spirits and a Holy Man

Pay attention to the feelings, hunches, and intuitions that flood your life each day. If you do, you will see that premonitions are not rare,