Category: Column

Hey! Just one day for moms?

Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; a mother’s secret hope outlives them all. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, American jurist and legal scholar

Sullied sovereigns

To dare a thought is to risk being wrong. – James Dale Davidson, American investment writer Your first contract with government is triggered by your

Much ado about starving

‘Prepare for the best, prepare  for the worst and expect the unexpected.” – Gary Busy, American actor. DEAR friends, the Scout Motto “Be prepared” is

The Malay rhetoric and schism

Rhetoric is a poor substitute for action, and we have trusted only to rhetoric. If we are really to be a great nation, we must

How economists change the game

“The ultimate aim of economics is, as of every science, to clarify the relationships between elements which have been thought in isolation.” Lionel Robbins, economist,

The alien invasion

In a few years artificial intelligence virtual assistants will be as common as the smart phone. – Dave Waters, pioneer of artificial intelligence While everyone

Hope to reconnect for AMD 2024

IT was in 2016 that the Anugerah Muzik Dayak (AMD) or Dayak Music Awards was last held. As it is a biennial event, the next

Contract employment a better option

AS the retirement age debate continues, it is important to remember that behind the statistics and numbers are real people whose lives will be affected

Yes, eradicate hardcore poverty

‘Hardcore structural poverty has a counterpart at the apex: hardcore structural affluence.’ – Louis O Kelso, US political economist WHEN American economist Louis Kelso stated