Category: Opinion

It’s ‘pulai Gawai’ rush again

Hari Gawai Dayak must be preserved as an occasion to meet, exchange visits, interact and understand each other’s customs and traditions so that a celebration,

Expect GE15 before year end

Vote for the man who promises least; he’ll be the least disappointing. – Bernard M Baruch, American financier Those not in favour of holding the

Food insecurity

Ensuring food security is always a top issue that concerns national development and people’s wellbeing. It is imperative to study and improve food security policies,

Etuu, as in the gravitas of leadership

Leaders remind people what is important, but first they have to remind themselves, through carefully managed intentions. – Warren Bennis, American author The word ‘etuu’

Celebrating responsibility

Liberty means responsibility. That is why men dread it. – George Bernard Shaw (Man and Superman, 1903),  Irish playwright A natural-born leader takes responsibility, and

The power of belief

 If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move mountains. — Neale Donald Walsch, American author We underestimate the power of

Energy fundamentals – quo vadis?

Recently, during an interview in connection with Davos 2022, Petronas’ Tengku Muhammad Taufik told CNBC’s Steve Sedgwick, “With so much gas being removed from the