Category: Opinion


Reminiscing with nostalgia

Music is God’s gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven. – Walter

Next Round — A Third Vaccine Dose?

Who are you going to believe? Leading authorities on medical science, or 800 memes on your cousin’s Facebook page? – Samantha Bee, Canadian-American comedian The

My sape journey and its lessons

MY journey of learning how to play the sape, the ubiquitous traditional stringed lute of Borneo, is a metaphor in the search for one’s roots.

New greeting norm amid Covid-19

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.   – Socrates, Greek

Passing the baton

Young people need models, not critics. – John Wooden, American basketball coach Nelson Mandela’s inspirational advice to young people that they are capable, when aroused,


Nature: Closeness can be enmity

The ancients often believed a celestial event like an eclipse to be a bad omen, that the sun or the moon vanishing from the sky