Category: Opinion

The Calculative Farmer

“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his

Landmarks and stories of Melupa

“Every river has its stories, and every story has its river.” Michael Ondaatje (1943 – Present); a renowned Sri Lankan-born Canadian author and poet. He

Psychological warfare

Using psychology to influence people and mentally subdue your enemies is a deep art. – Michael T. Stevens, American author A well-managed campaign to promote,

Stop the crocodile attacks

‘These crocodiles are becoming bolder and entering urban areas, possibly due to population growth and other factors.’ – Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Datuk

Navigating the Linguistic Labyrinth

“To bring relevance to people, you have to be able to speak their language effectively.” Sunday Adelaja, founder and senior pastor of the Embassy of