Journalists of fortune



The press, like fire, is an excellent servant, but a terrible master.

– James Fenimore Cooper, American writer

PREMIER Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg has of late come under unfair scrutiny and criticism, particularly from certain quarters of the media.

An article titled ‘When Will Abang Jo’s Luck Run Out’ is an example of this trend of disparaging commentary. The article by a Malayan writer not only undermines our leader’s significant achievements but also resorts to personal attacks that are neither justified nor factual.

It is important to counter such negative and unfounded articles with the truth and highlight the substantial progress and stability the Premier has brought to Sarawak.

First and foremost, one of the most crucial contributions of Abang Johari has been bringing overall political stability to Malaysia. Since taking office in 2017, he has worked tirelessly to maintain a stable and progressive government in Sarawak.

By throwing his support behind the federal government in Putrajaya, Abang Johari has ensured that Sarawak remains a pillar of stability in Malaysia. This support has been instrumental in fostering strong ties between the state and Putrajaya, promoting national unity and development. The writer in question, obviously a pen for hire, trivialises this achievement, attributing Sarawak’s stability to mere luck rather than the Premier’s adept governance.

It is important to recognise that political stability is not a product of luck but the result of strategic planning, effective leadership, and the ability to manage diverse political interests.

Abang Johari’s tenure has been marked by careful navigation of Sarawak’s complex political landscape, ensuring that all ethnic and political groups are represented and heard. No race has been sidelined.

Under his leadership, Sarawak has seen unprecedented economic growth and technological advancement. One of his notable initiatives is the Digital Economy Strategy, aimed at transforming Sarawak into a digital powerhouse.

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This strategy includes investments in digital infrastructure, e-commerce, and smart city projects, which are critical for the future prosperity of the state. The establishment of the Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) and the rollout of various digital initiatives are testaments to Abang Johari’s forward-thinking vision. So, what has luck got to do with all these?

Critics who dismiss these advancements as luck fail to acknowledge the planning and execution required to bring such projects to fruition. The digital transformation of Sarawak is not an accident but a deliberate effort to modernise the state’s economy and improve the quality of life for its residents. By embracing technology, Abang Johari is ensuring that Sarawak is not left behind in the global digital economy.

Another notable area where Abang Johari has made significant contributions is education and human capital development. Now, what has this got to do with luck?

He has been a staunch advocate for improving educational opportunities in Sarawak. His administration has invested heavily in education, from early childhood education to higher education and vocational training. Initiatives like the Sarawak Skills Development Centre and various scholarship programmes aimed at equipping Sarawakians with the skills needed to thrive in a modern economy. Soon, all deserving Sarawakians will receive free tertiary education.

These efforts are important for breaking the cycle of poverty and ensuring long-term sustainable development. Abang Johari’s focus on education demonstrates his commitment to empower the next generation of Sarawakians, providing them with the tools they need to succeed and contribute to the state’s growth.

Another area — infrastructure development — has also been a cornerstone of Abang Johari’s administration. The Pan Borneo Highway project, aimed at enhancing connectivity and boosting economic activities across Sarawak, is one of the most significant infrastructure projects under his leadership.

The project not only improves transportation but also stimulates economic growth in remote areas, making it easier for businesses to operate and for residents to access essential services.

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Abang Johari has also prioritised rural development, ensuring that even the most remote communities benefit from infrastructure improvements. This includes better roads, improved access to clean water and electricity, and enhanced healthcare facilities. These initiatives are vital for bridging the urban-rural divide and ensuring that all Sarawakians enjoy a higher standard of living.

The Premier has also shown a strong commitment to environmental stewardship.

Recognising the importance of Sarawak’s rich biodiversity and natural resources, he has implemented policies to promote sustainable development which includes initiatives to protect forests, promote eco-tourism, and support sustainable agricultural practices.

The mercenary writer’s article represents a form of journalism that fails to engage with the facts and resorts to personal attacks. It is essential to address and debunk these unfounded criticisms.

He unfairly criticises Abang Johari’s educational background, suggesting that it somehow diminishes his capabilities as a leader. This is a misguided viewpoint. The Premier has an MBA degree. His track record speaks for itself, demonstrating that he possesses the skills and intellect necessary for effective governance.

Attributing Sarawak’s success to luck undermines the hard work and strategic planning that has gone into achieving these results. Abang Johari’s leadership has been marked by decisive actions, innovative policies, and a clear vision for the future. The progress seen in Sarawak under his tenure is a direct result of his effective leadership, not random chance.

The claim that Sarawak’s political stability is fragile and merely a result of external factors ignores the Premier’s role in fostering a stable and inclusive political environment. He has skillfully managed the diverse political landscape of Sarawak, ensuring representation and inclusion for all ethnic and religious groups. This inclusive approach is a cornerstone of the state’s stability.

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The mercenary writer’s dismissal of Sarawak’s economic and technological advancements as mere luck is a gross misrepresentation. The Digital Economy Strategy and other initiatives are the result of careful planning and visionary leadership. Abang Johari’s focus on digital transformation is positioning Sarawak as a leader in technology and innovation.

The baseless criticisms leveled against the Premier portrays the dangers of unethical journalism. It is important for journalists, columnists and writers to base their articles on facts and balanced perspectives. Misguided and sensationalist journalism does a disservice to the public and undermines the integrity of the profession.

Ethical journalism should strive to inform and enlighten, not mislead and distort. In an era where misinformation can spread rapidly, the responsibility of journalists to adhere to ethical standards is more important than ever.

We must reject garbage journalism and embrace a commitment to truth and fairness. Abang Johari’s achievements in bringing stability, progress, and prosperity to Sarawak deserve recognition and appreciation, not unwarranted criticism.

In defending the legacy and contributions of Abang Johari, we must also champion the principles of ethical journalism, ensuring that public discourse is informed by facts and guided by integrity.

I have reserved this for the last: it is obvious that the article criticising Abang Johari is not the work of the mercenary journalist alone — invisible hands are at work, obviously!

It could be some leaders in Malaya or even at home, clouded by jealousy, who are plotting against the leadership. One way to carry out their evil scheme is through ‘journalists of fortune’, and this is exactly what the plotters are doing.

Sarawak leaders have to be on their guard at all times against the enemies within. 

The views expressed here are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the views of New Sarawak Tribune.

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