Lions Club Sibu Seduan celebrates 25th anniversary



The Lions Club members blowing the candles on their anniversary cake at the function.

SIBU: The journey towards the success and advancement of a Lions Club for 25 years in service is a milestone and requires the good understanding, close cooperation and personal involvement of all Lions members in a club.

Governor of Lions Clubs International (LCI) District 308-A2, Pelly Lee said during her Lionistic journey to becoming their District Governor, she reminded herself every now and then to share knowledge, information, to build the youth of today and to set s good example as a leader.

Speaking at the Lions Club Sibu Seduan’s 25th installation and anniversary, Leo Club of Kolej Laila Taib’s 21st installation and Leo Club of University College Technology Sarawak’s third installation for year 2017-2018 term held at RH hotel here on Friday, Pelly said serving the community and within their fellow lions with love, kindness and with a harmonious heart, she believed they could empower the strength and lead to ‘teamwork’.

She said teamwork would lead to the ‘Power of We’ and with continuous efforts, serving with dignity and glowing through persistence, they could bring the LCI District 308-A2 to a greater height.

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“I will be looking forward to all of your full commitment and support and likewise, as your DG, I will do my best to assist wherever necessary.
“It takes a lot of kind and committed individuals to help change the world and make it a better place. It takes us, as a Lion, to come forward to volunteer and lead by example,” she said.

To the Leos, Pelly said they could really make an impact on people’s lives and the community around them as well as making their own life more fulfilled and rewarding.

Their passion, she said to be Leos and to serve had and would touch the hearts of the needy and the less fortunate.

Meanwhile, she stated LCI was celebrating 100 years of service this year and going to emphasise more towards youth development and activities in many aspects into the second new century.

She said youth camps and Leo forum had been organised yearly and was a place, where they could make a difference in their community while they have fun, make new friends and learn valuable skills.

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Pelly also called upon all members to focus in Lionism on ‘doing good’ as that would bring hope, joy, laughter and warmth into the hearts of those who needed their love and care.

“Let is leave footprints of love and kindness wherever we go. Let us join hands, work together and contribute our share of services to brighten other people’s days,” she further said.

Kong Chak Wei, Matthew Januarius and Ting Chee Wei were officially installed as the new presidents for Lions Club of Sibu Seduan, Leo Club of Kolej Laila Taib and Leo Club of University College of Technology Sarawak for year 2017-2018 term, respectively.

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