Monday, 17 June 2024

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PBB denies occurrence of meeting, discussion in video
KUCHING: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Information Chief, Dato’ Haji Idris Haji Buang through a press statement yesterday categorically denied the occurrence of any such meeting  or discussion...
Over 100 mourners at Datuk Sim’s funeral service
Datuk Sim Swee Yong’s casket being wheeled out of St Joseph’s Cathedral, Kuching after the funeral service. Datuk Sim Swee Yong’s family members saying their ‘good byes’ to him. Mourners during Datuk Sim...
Former Pahang MB dies
KUANTAN: Former Pahang Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman died at his home in Kubang Buaya here about 12.20 pm yesterday. He was 79. According to his eldest son Shamsol Rahman Abdul Rashid,...
Investigate any price hike in Sabah - Mohd Shafie
TAWAU: The state government wants the relevant authorities and the body that monitors prices of goods in Sabah to investigate if there is still a hike in the price of of goods in the state despite implementation...
260 recruits become Police Constables
Women Police Constables at the passing out ceremony at the Kuching Police Training Centre (Pulapol) in Kuching. KUCHING:   Sixty women were among the 260 recruits who have joined the Royal Malaysian...
120 students attend Robotics and Hardware Programming Workshop
KUCHING: About 120 students from 15 secondary schools in Kuching, Kota Samarahan and Serian Districts attended the free Robotics and Hardware Programming Workshop held at Swinburne Sarawak Campus here...
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17 June 2024