Sunday, 16 June 2024

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Have fun raising funds
KUCHING: The SSPCA Charity Christmas Carnival is back this year, a little earlier, but packed with more fun and activities for those who will be going to the Association of Churches building at Jalan Stampin...
MAKSAK entertains the disabled
SAFAWANI (seated 3rd row,5th left) posing with the trainees, MAKSAK Mukah members and the staff at the centre. MUKAH: A program called Wanita Semarak Bangsa was successfully held at Mukah Community Based...
Research & Development Council Bill: Part of state’s R&D
Minister of Education, Science, and Technological Research, Dato Sri Michael Manyin Jawong (centre) during a pressconference. Also seen are Assistant Minister of Education and Technological Research, Dr...
282 students received Excellence Awards and certs
BINTULU : Some 282 students from Form One to Form Five received their certificates and awards, such as for Student Leadership, NILAM, co-curriculum, athletic achievements and Outstanding Academic awards. The...
RM200,000 to improve wet market
KUCHING: Works on the repainting and improvement of the Kota Sentosa Wet Market, costing RM200,000, has begun and is expected to take about one month to complete. Earlier, SUPP Public Complaints Bureau...
Stop the blame game
KUCHING: State SUPP Youth Central Chief, Tan Kai expressed his deep concern with the serious flood in Penang where nearly 80 percent of the State was flooded resulting in the death of seven persons. “We...
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15 June 2024