Monday, 17 June 2024

Sustainable development crucial in Upper Rajang
KUCHING: Sarawak’s plans to intensify development in Upper Rajang needs to be balanced with biodiversity conservation in an integrated manner to ensure sustainability of the area for posterity.  WWF-Malaysia...
Pustaka Negeri Sarawak to close for Wesak Day
KUCHING: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak (Kuching, Miri and State Records Repository) will be closed on Wednesday, 10 May 2017 in conjunction with Wesak Day. Pustaka Negeri Sarawak will resume operations as usual...
Mukah Division Chen Clan Association to hold Parental Day on 21 May
OYA: Mukah Division Chen Clan (Ying Chuan) Association  will hold a  Parental Day on 21 May. Among the activities of the programme would be a make up competition and cat walks, cake decoration...
Poster SC17
‘Bermukun’ competition attracts 12 teams
MIRI : Twelve teams have signed up for a ‘Bermukun’ competition organised by Pustaka Negeri Miri as its highlight for the fourth Sarawakiana Carnival. They will be contending on 5 May  to secure a...
Shastaclaire fairest of ‘em all
SANTUBONG: Shastaclaire Drickerson prevailed over the others and was crowned as this year’s Miss Cultural Harvest Festival. The 18-year-old managed to beat 11 other contestants during the event’s grand...
1,958 pints of blood donated to Sibu Hospital since Jan
SIBU: A total of 1,958 pints of blood were been collected by Sibu Hospital Blood Bank through blood donation campaigns from January until March 2017. Sibu Hospital Blood Bank Assistant Information Officer,...
1 9,721 9,722 9,723 9,724 9,725 9,823

17 June 2024