Sarawak, a rising global education haven



Parents worldwide aspire to achieve their children’s dreams of higher education, prompting them to search for the ideal overseas educational destination.

This pursuit is seen as an investment in a brighter future, offering improved job prospects, the possibility of permanent residency, and attaining citizenship status.

In the wake of visa restrictions imposed by major education destinations like the UK, US, Canada and Australia, Sarawak emerges as a compelling alternative for international students seeking a diversified experience and quality education abroad.

With its diverse culture, natural beauty and burgeoning educational infrastructure, Sarawak holds immense potential to become the next hotspot for global citizens.

Sarawak boasts a rich cultural heritage, encompassing various ethnicities, languages and traditions.

This cultural diversity provides a unique learning environment, allowing students to immerse themselves in different cultures while pursuing their academic endeavours.

From indigenous communities to modern urban centres, Sarawak offers a dynamic blend of traditional and contemporary lifestyles, enriching the educational experience for international students.

Sarawak’s cultural richness provides ample opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning and cultural immersion activities.

From participating in traditional festivals and ceremonies to exploring indigenous communities and historical landmarks, students can gain a deeper understanding of Sarawak’s heritage and traditions.

Such experiences not only enrich their academic journey but also foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

The region is home to several reputable educational institutions, ranging from universities and colleges to vocational schools and language centres.

These institutions offer a wide array of academic programmes, including STEM fields, humanities, business and the arts.

With state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty, and globally recognised curricula, Sarawak’s educational institutions ensure that students receive a high-quality learning experience that rivals that of established education hubs.

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Several of its higher educational institutions, particularly the foreign branch campus universities, work closely with international accreditation bodies, professional associations and government agencies to ensure that degrees and certifications earned in the region are recognised and valued globally.

One of the most appealing aspects of studying in Sarawak is its affordability. Compared to traditional education destinations, the cost of living in Sarawak is significantly lower, making it more accessible to international students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

From accommodation and transportation to dining and entertainment, one can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank, allowing them to focus on their studies and personal growth.

Sarawak is renowned for its safety and security, providing a conducive environment for learning and exploration. With low crime rates and friendly locals, international students can feel safe and supported during their time in Sarawak.

Additionally, the region’s natural beauty and preserved ecosystems offer opportunities for outdoor activities and adventures, further enhancing the overall student experience.

English is widely spoken and used as the primary medium of instruction in Sarawak’s educational institutions, making it an attractive destination for international students, particularly those from non-English speaking countries.

With English proficiency being a key determinant of success in today’s globalised world, studying in Sarawak allows students to improve their language skills while pursuing their academic goals, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.

While Sarawak may hold immense potential to become the next education hub for international students, several practical challenges must be addressed to realise this potential fully.


Infrastructure Development: Sarawak needs significant investments in infrastructure to accommodate a growing influx of international students.

This includes expanding and upgrading educational facilities, dormitories, transportation networks and other essential amenities to ensure students have access to quality services and resources.

Visa and Immigration Policies: While Sarawak may offer an attractive alternative to traditional education destinations with strict visa policies, navigating visa and immigration procedures can still pose challenges for international students.

Streamlining visa processes, providing clear guidelines, and offering support services can help alleviate these concerns and enhance the overall student experience.

Speed and transparency are essential for a seamless visa processing experience.

Permanent Residency and Citizenship Policies: The region’s attractiveness as an educational destination is often overshadowed by issues such as stringent and lengthy processing times for residency permits and citizenship applications, and limited pathways for international students to transition from student visas to permanent residency or citizenship.

Recently, Sarawak’s Premier required investors to deposit RM2 million or buy a property worth RM1.5 million for residency.

The uncertainty and complexity of PRship and citizenship procedures may affect the region’s ability to compete globally and attract a diverse pool of talented individuals, educators and researchers who may opt to pursue opportunities in other countries with more straightforward immigration processes and better prospects for long-term settlement.

Employment Opportunities: Access to post-graduation employment opportunities is a crucial factor for international students when choosing an education destination abroad.

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Sarawak needs to foster partnerships with local industries, businesses, and government agencies to create internship, job placement and entrepreneurship opportunities for international graduates, enhancing their employability and retention in the region, and contributing to the local economy.

Sustainability and Environmental Conservation: As Sarawak develops its education sector, it must prioritise sustainability and environmental conservation to preserve its natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Implementing green initiatives, promoting eco-friendly practices and integrating sustainability into the curriculum can contribute to Sarawak’s long-term attractiveness as an education destination.

In fact, “Sustainability” is a key agenda of the region, making it a unique and meaningful driver towards a future-driven educational philosophy compared to traditional education destinations.

Establishing an educational destination is akin to charting a path of hope for global citizens. It fosters aspirations for quality education, promising job and immigration opportunities, a nurturing living environment, state-of-the-art and sustainable facilities and a supportive community for family growth.

Hence, developing an educational hub goes beyond constructing higher education institutions; it’s about creating a “hopeful” place that people can embrace as their “home”.

With appropriate strategic alignment between government agencies, educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and the local community, Sarawak can certainly position itself as a leading education destination for international students, filling the void left by visa restrictions in traditional education hubs.

Sarawak, more to discover!

Professor Brian Wong is from the Faculty of Business, Design and Arts, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus

The views expressed here are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the New Sarawak Tribune.

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