18 compounded so far in Padawan

PADAWAN: Police have compounded a total of 18 individuals including a woman who attempted inter-district travel without a permit and a valid reason since May 22. Padawan district police chief Supt Aidil Bolhassan hoped during the upcoming Gawai festival, the public would continue to abide by the rules and not make inter-district travel without an […]

Trump says US ‘terminating’ relationship with WHO

WASHINGTON: United States President Donald Trump said on Friday that his country is “terminating” its relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO), Xinhua news agency reported. “We will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organisation and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs,” Trump said during a […]

Business premises must abide by procedures in handling personal data

KUALA LUMPUR: All business premises allowed to operate during the conditional movement control order (CMCO) must comply fully with the operating procedures with regards to the collection, processing and storing of personal data, as set by the Communications and Multimedia Ministry (KKMM). KKMM in a statement today said the standard procedures had been approved in a special ministerial committee meeting on […]

Malaysia in the final recovery phase

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia is in the final phase of recovery following implementation of the movement control order (MCO), enforced since March 18, which has successfully reduced the number of new Covid-19 cases. Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said now, with the implementation of the conditional movement control order (CMCO) since May 4, it had also reduced the infectivity rate […]

No need to wear face mask while jogging, driving alone

PUTRAJAYA: There is no need to wear face mask when carrying out activities alone such as jogging or driving. Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the people are only required to wear face mask when they have symptoms or in a public environment with other people. “The need of face mask is to break […]

Over RM13 mln spent on food assistance for frontliners

KUCHING: The Ministry of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development has spent a total of RM13,072,625 on food assistance for Covid-19 frontliners in the state since the launch of the movement control order (MCO). Its minister Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah said, the ministry in a meeting on March 22 had agreed to extend […]

Sibu almost zero

Dudong SUPP chairman questions new health protocol SIBU: Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdulah is urged to upload the findings of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Singapore and South Korean health authorities on the Health Ministry website concerning “almost zero” for patients treated for 14 days or more. Dudong SUPP chairman Wong Ching Yong, […]

Western Digital donates 3,000 medical suits

KUCHING: Western Digital company has donated 3,000 pieces of medical suits for frontliners who are combating Covid-19 in the state. The medical suits were handed over to the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) for distribution to frontliners. Receiving the medical suits at the old State Legislative Assembly (DUN) building was Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar […]

Number of cases remains at 552

KUCHING: Sarawak recorded no new positive Covid-19 case today, with the total number of cases in the state remaining at 552. Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said that 13 new cases had recovered and been discharged from Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) today. “Thus far, the total number of Covid-19 cases which have […]

Treatment of Covid-19 medical waste a number one priority

KUALA LUMPUR: After the Covid-19 virus made its debut in China late-2019, the ferocious virus had infected millions of people worldwide and claimed more than 360,000 lives to-date, leading to devastating socio-economic impacts globally. On Jan 25, 2020, Malaysia reported three positive Covid-19 cases. Four months later, the virus had infected 7,629 people in the country and claimed 115 lives. Due to the virus’ highly […]