Equality? That means a third of everything

KUCHING: True equality means Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya should get one third of everything, said political analyst Datuk Peter Minos.This should apply in terms of national revenues, civil service, police, military, judiciary, entry to colleges, universities and other opportunities, he said. He said currently Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) still dominates parliament hence this is a bit […]

Time to seek equality in all things

KUCHING: A political observer says it is high time for Sarawak to seek equality in all things in Malaysia. Datuk Peter Minos said this is pertinent since Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya now have equal status by way of the latest constitutional amendments passed by Parliament. “Additionally, I see that calling our Chief Minister as Premier […]

Allocations don’t reflect regional equality

KUCHING: Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri James Jemut Masing views that 2021 Budget does not reflect the equality of Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah. He said it is a disproportionate allocation of fund as Sabah received RM5.1 billion and Sarawak received RM4.5 billion and compared to what Malaya received was much more than that. “This shows […]

Fighting for equality

Unbeknownst to some, education in undeveloped and war-torn countries is a luxury, especially to its female population. Therefore, social activist Shazia Ramzan, 22 and Kainat Riaz, 23 made it a point to fight for education rights for the girls in Pakistan.  A tragedy that changed everything According to Shazia Ramzan and Kainat Riaz, the cultural […]