MAHB slips into red with RM20.37 mln net loss in Q1

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) incurred a net loss of RM20.37 million in the first quarter (Q1) ended March 31, 2020 against a net profit of RM149.58 million in the corresponding quarter a year ago. Revenue eased to RM933.83 million from RM1.25 billion previously, in tandem with the contraction in passenger movements of […]

Maintain discipline

KUCHING: Sarawak’s success in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic will depend largely on her citizens, says Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah. The Tourism, Arts and Culture minister reiterated that everyone had a responsibility to care for their fellowmen. “After two months under lockdown, all Malaysians would already be aware what Covid-19 is and how […]

SGH lockdown not necessary: Uggah

SAMARAHAN: There is no reason to enforce a lockdown on the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH), said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas. He said although there was a Covid-19 cluster involving healthcare workers and 52 healthcare workers had tested positive for Covid-19 as of Tuesday (April 28), the majority of them had not […]

India records biggest single-day spike of Covid-19 cases, tally reaches 26,496

NEW DELHI: India’s federal health ministry said Sunday morning that 45 new deaths due to Covid-19 and an additional 1,554 positive cases were reported since Saturday evening across the country, taking the number of deaths to 824 and total cases to 26,496, reported Xinhua News Agency. In the last 24 hours the country recorded 1,990 […]

New cases down, more patients recover

Covid-19 weekly round-up This is a round-up of Covid-19 related matters in Malaysia and globally from April 20 up to 12.30pm yesterday. In Malaysia, case numbers have exceeded the 5,000 mark and globally, the virus has infected more than 2.7 million people and caused more than 190,000 deaths. More than 200 countries and territories are […]

A case of red tape or complacency?

Developing countries often have hypertrophied bureaucracies, requiring businesses to deal with enormous amounts of red tape. – James Surowiecki, American Journalist Last Friday I wrote in my column about the danger of being too coronavirus-centric that we have forgotten we have to watch out for other types of disease that afflict our country. I mentioned […]

Why hard to impose lockdown or movement restrictions in Indonesia

JAKARTA: Indonesia has not enforced a lockdown or the movement control order to stem the spread of Covid-19, because this is not easy to implement in a country with more than 270 million people. Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency head, Doni Monardo, said that if implemented, the government would face various constraints to provide basic […]

FDI policy reforms needed to ride out Covid-19 impact

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia must undertake bold structural and sectoral reforms in its Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy in order to ride out the Covid-19 impact, says an academic.  Professor Sufian Jusoh of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s International Trade and Investment Institute for Malaysian and International Studies said Malaysia should conduct aggressive investment promotions in order to revitalise its economy.  […]

No more flights between Sibu and KL

KUCHING: All Kuala Lumpur-Sibu and Sibu-Kuala Lumpur flights are cancelled until April 14. Also from today until the movement control order (MCO) period is over, all foreigners travelling by land, air and sea are not allowed to transit in Sarawak. This is the latest measure issued by the disaster committee to curb the Covid-19 pandemic […]

#ReachOut campaign displays true spirit of Malaysians abroad

KUALA LUMPUR: #ReachOut, a campaign mooted by a Malaysian senior tax counsel based in New Zealand to help fellow Malaysians who are stranded due to the month-long lockdown in the island country, is an evidence of the true spirit of Malaysians helping each other out during these challenging times. A brainchild of the president of the New Zealand Malaysia […]