UGM embarks on journey to democratise art




IN the heart of Kuching, a revolution in the art scene is taking place, driven by the innovative products of Unit Grafik Miri (UGM), a creative enterprise founded by the dynamic Muizz Dicky.

To Muizz, UGM is not just a brand, it is a movement aiming to democratise art, making it accessible to everyone.

From unique stickers to large-scale design projects, UGM’s products are transforming how art is consumed and appreciated in the city.

Innovative Product Line

Muizz Dicky, Lead Designer and Founder of UGM

UGM’s product line is as diverse as it is innovative, catering to a broad spectrum of tastes and preferences.

The flagship products of UGM include their highly popular stickers, which have become a staple among the youth.

These stickers are not just decorative items; they are a medium for young artists to express their creativity and reach a wider audience.

Each sticker is designed to capture a unique artistic vision, often reflecting contemporary themes and cultural nuances.

Muizz’s entrepreneurial spirit shines through in his approach to product design and marketing.

During his teenage years, he started selling stickers at school, identifying popular designs and purchasing them online.

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This early venture laid the groundwork for his future business endeavours.

Today, UGM’s stickers are a testament to Muizz’s commitment to nurturing local talent and providing them with a platform to highlight their work.

Artist Unplugged Initiative

One of UGM’s most notable initiatives is Artist Unplugged, which aims to bring fresh talent into the spotlight by converting young artists’ paintings into marketable products like stickers.

This initiative reflects Muizz’s dedication to supporting emerging artists and making their work accessible to a broader audience.

Through Artist Unplugged, UGM has successfully turned the works of many young artists into popular products, thus helping them monetise their creativity and gain recognition in the art community.

“This initiative exemplifies my commitment to nurturing the local art scene and providing opportunities for upcoming artists,” Muizz explains.

Diverse Collaborations

UGM’s collaborations extend beyond local boundaries, reflecting Muizz’s vision of a global creative network.

One notable collaboration is with Kiyoshi Aihara, a DJ known by his stage name Keeyushee.

This partnership has resulted in several successful projects, including branding for events like Malam Galau and Songkran in Sarawak.

These collaborations not only highlight UGM’s versatility but also its ability to connect with various artists and industries, thereby broadening its creative reach.

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Future Vision and Expansion

Looking ahead, Muizz envisions expanding UGM into a more substantial enterprise.

His plans include setting up a dedicated studio space and assembling a team of designers, accountants, and legal advisers to streamline operations.

He aims to incorporate advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing and plastic moulding to diversify UGM’s product offerings.

“This strategic expansion is designed to enhance the quality and reach of UGM’s products, ensuring they remain relevant and innovative in the ever-evolving art market,” Muizz said.

Target Audience and Market Positioning

UGM targets young adults aged 18 till 28 who are interested in punk, indie, and grunge cultures. These individuals are likely to be fans of brands like Hikari Riders, Converse, Vans, SVG, and Tntco.

UGM’s brand stands out with its rebellious message and support for innovation and creative endeavours.

The core value of UGM is “the courage to speak against major monopoly companies and tyrannical figures.”

Muizz believes in the exclusivity of owning a product with a rebellious message, supporting the notion that “it’s about sending a message to the world.”.

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Empowering Creativity, Inspiring Impact

Nur Assura (Syuyii), Manager of UGM

UGM’s brand philosophy is deeply rooted in its vision statement, “Empowering Creativity, Inspiring Impact.”

This encapsulates the company’s commitment to creativity, empowerment, and making a meaningful impact through design.

The mission, “Helping Artists Grow,” highlights Muizz’s dedication to ensuring the creative industry thrives by supporting local artists throughout their journeys.

“Shaping Ideas Into Reality” is not just a tagline for UGM but a guiding principle that drives Muizz and his team to turn their clients’ dreams into tangible results.

UGM’s brand story, which embodies the Outlaw Archetype, is about fighting against oppression and censorship, advocating for creative freedom, and rebelling against the suppression of information.

From a young entrepreneur selling stickers at school to the founder of UGM, Muizz Dicky is making significant strides in making art accessible to all, fostering a supportive community for artists, and continually pushing the boundaries of his craft.

As UGM continues to grow and evolve, its impact on the local and potentially global art scene is poised to be profound and lasting.

By empowering young artists and promoting a culture of inclusivity and innovation, UGM is not just a brand but a movement that is transforming the art landscape in the city and beyond.


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