Yii expresses disgust at Masing’s statement

Dr Kelvin Yii, MP for Bandar Kuching.


Dr Kelvin Yii, MP for Bandar Kuching.

KUCHING: MP for Bandar Kuching, Dr. Kevin Yii expressed his disgust at the recent statement by Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr James Masing suggesting that the State’s reserves of RM 31 billion be used before the next state election.

“Masing even went further to elaborate that he feared the money would be used by the new government in the event GPS lost power. This shows both ignorance of the democratic system and an insult to the role of a government in managing the State’s resources for the good of the people, rather than the interest of a political party.

“First and foremost, our reserves belong to the people of Sarawak, not Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), PBB, PRS or any political party for that matter. The government of the day is mandated by the voters and people of Sarawak to govern and manage the funds and resources of the State in trust for the people. It is not for him or even any person in power to finish up our reserves just for the sake of their own political interest or political survival.

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“This also speaks volume of Masing’s lack of confidence in GPS’s ability to win the next State election so as to suggest something drastic as this just in order to stay in power. He seems to be in panic mode. It is the clearest admission by a person in high position in the State government of the failures of GPS/BN Sarawak to protect the interest of Sarawak over the 55 years they have been in power.

“If GPS or BN Sarawak in the past did a good job in managing the State and bringing equitable development to the people of Sarawak, why do they need to even worry right now?” he asked.

 Dr. Kevin said besides that, the role of the government is to bring development to the people and manage the resources of the State for the good the people all year long and protect the interest of the future generations as well, not just when it is close to the election in order to win an election.

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“That shows that GPS does not actually care for the people, but rather care for their own political position and self-interest. He is even willing to bankrupt the State or leave the future generations in a difficult situation just for the interest of his own political party.

“This pattern was also shown by the former Prime Minister, Najb Razak and the BN government which racked up billions and billions in debts to dish out goodies to the people in order to try to win their hearts. He subscribed to the notion that ‘cash is king’ for his own political interest rather than the interest of the people and nation, as well as forsaking the financial and economic health of the country while doing so, causing the country to carry the reported RM 1 trillion national debt.

“We should not let irresponsible leaders even in Sarawak to gamble with our futures and resources just for their own gain. I thus urge all relevant parties, especially the civil servants to play their part even as ‘whistle blowers’ to reveal any abuse of such state funds to protect the interest of the nation. We will also be vigilant and scrutinise any State projects so that there will be no wastages or abuse, in an event some parties trying to profit from the State as much as they can, in the event they lose power in the coming State elections,” said Yii.

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