Celebrating our heroes without capes




KUCHING: Fathers play multifaceted roles in their children’s lives. They are mentors, providers, caregivers and friends.

Their unconditional love and unwavering support help shape the future of their children and leave an indelible mark on their hearts.

From teaching life lessons and imparting wisdom to creating cherished memories through shared experiences, fathers are instrumental in nurturing the growth and development of their children.

Whether it’s offering a comforting shoulder to lean on or providing a strong guiding hand, fathers make an immeasurable difference in their children’s lives.

New Sarawak Tribune spoke to a few fathers to share experiences that have had a profound impact on them, valuable lessons and advice they could give to all the fathers out there.

Claudius Jagar Edwin, 26, Business owner

Claudius Jagar Edwin, 26, Business Owner

A memorable experience I have had as a father has to with the birth of my first son. From the first time I held him, learned all the basics things most fathers would do to help their wives like changing diapers, giving them a bottle of milk, giving them baths, you name it.

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That is when I found joy as a father. Now that I have two sons, I must say, the house is full of adrenaline.

I think the most valuable lesson that I have learned as a father of two boys is being patient, present and making time for them because life is too short.

My advice is to put your smartphones away and be attentive even they do not need our attention. Like what my wife and I practice, is to bring them to somewhere fun like indoor playgrounds, exciting visits to the farms or just a relaxing trip to the beach. Sometimes when we don’t know where to go, we just take our car keys, start the engine and have a quick roam around town. Because at the end of the day, the memories we have being together as a family is what we cherish for.

Timothy Anthony, 24, Plant Operator.

Timothy Anthony, 24, Plant Operator.

The birth of my daughter was an experience I will never forget in my life because from there my responsibility as a father and head of the family began.

It was a joy for me to be able to accompany my wife and know that she had safely given birth to our daughter.

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Every day of my fatherhood and parenting journey is filled with learning. Today, I was thinking about some of the lessons I have learned as I am getting ready to learn more.

Sometimes people say they don’t think they will be ready to be a dad. And you know what? No one is ever really ready. However, if you are prepared to lead, teach, and love a child and your wife, you’re ready enough.

Becoming a father at a very young age was not a problem for me. It is a gift from God that I cannot describe. Having a wife who is always grateful is also one of the reasons why I always work hard to give them a life that I’ve never had.

To all future husbands out there, there’s no need to wait to be ready to be a father. Marry the woman you love and start your new life with them.

Allanstair Dend, 39, Tattoo Artist

Allanstair Dend, 39, Tattoo Artist

One memorable experience that had a profound impact was the birth of our daughter. Another valuable lesson I’ve learned is that time is the essence of life. My advice would be to always show appreciation, gratitude, love and kindness towards your family, as it brings out the best in us. Loving your family will always open doors for many forms of blessings. To all the heroes without capes, Happy Father’s Day.

Simon Lester, 39, Site Safety Supervisor.

Simon Lester, 39, Site Safety Supervisor

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When a father like me works far away from home and has limited time with his children, making the most of the moments together is crucial. Stay connected through video calls or thoughtful messages to have a profound impact.

The key lesson is to prioritise quality over quantity. Be fully present and engaged during the limited time you have. Find activities to enjoy together and show genuine interest in their lives. Create a consistent routine for communication and visits. Leave surprises or messages to let them know you care. Stay involved and maintain open lines of communication, even from a distance. Happy Father’s Day to us!

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