Assemblyman shares his success secret

Dennis (second row) with the athletes who will represent Baram Zone in next year’s MSSR.


BARAM: Some people know the secret of success in school and one of them happens to be Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau.

He let out the secret recently in his speech during the closing of the 34th sports meet of Baram Division Primary School Sports Council (MSSR) in SK Long Laput.

“I urge all teachers and other school staff members in my constituency to tell their students the real secret of success,” he said.

The secret has one main ingredient, motivation, which is supported and energised by enthusiasm and excitement.

According to Dennis, without motivation it is “almost impossible” for the kids to excel in their studies.

Another thing that he stressed was “focus”, a factor that he told the students to apply to their studies which is a basis for their future success in life.

He then reminded the people in his constituency to face the obstacles in their daily lives with strong commitment and great desire to be successful.

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“Only with courage and determination could success be achieved in our lives. Whatever you do, double your efforts,” he said.

He assured them that in fact the rural people can also be great achievers by moving their knowledge from their heads to their hearts and to their hands.

“Our people, since time immemorial, have lived through adverse situations but we have always prevailed,” he said.

He predicted that in the next ten or slightly more years many of the traditional jobs such as those in logging companies might disappear or scaled down in Ulu Baram as the state finds new sources of revenue and there is no need to cut trees.

Dennis (second row) with the athletes who will represent Baram Zone in next year’s MSSR.

“As your assemblyman I must tell our people about what are expected to happen to get us prepared for the future. As the rest of the world develops, Sarawak in general and Telang Usan in particular will not be spared the effects,” he said.

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In fact, he went on, people have no idea what the job market will look like in 2050. It is generally agreed that machine learning and robotics will change almost every line of work by then. Every day many things are done online and there is really no absolute need to go out to a bank, and getting a mode of transportation in a foreign country is easy as long as one has a smart phone and the appropriate apps.

Therefore some people believe that within a decade it is expected that two billion people will become economically redundant. This threat coming our way is very real.

Dennis also lauded the Long Laput community especially the leadership of Temenggong Elizabeth Deng and headman Robert Luhat for their willingness to cooperate with the organising committee and make various events held at Long Laput longhouse successful.

Also present at the event was Middle Zone Baram MSSR chairman Hasan Seruji, Baram Teachers Council chairman Samuel Ewet, a Baram District office representative, all headmasters from the 13 primary schools under the zone, and Long Laput headmen Robert Luhat.

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