An abstraction of truth

Wild Vibes


The value of art exceeds the cost of the materials used. It represents the artist’s investment of time, effort, and experience onto the canvas. Melton Kais, a well-known artist, explores the extraordinary as he expresses his thoughts through his paintbrush.

Building a career with his paintbrush

The value of art extends beyond the cost of its materials. It’s not like woodworking, where every aspect of the production cost is considered.

Melton Kais

Artist Melton Kais said art and its values include the effort and thought process that an artist goes through.

He went on to say that while looking at art is simple, understanding the realisation of an idea is what gives each masterpiece its value.

In terms of his art, Melton revealed the various steps he takes to create a piece.

According to him, each artist is distinguished by the characteristics and ideas that they convey in their work.

For Melton, his ideas came from what drew him in visually or what was going through his mind.

“When you think about something mentally, you will think philosophically. Whenever I came across an issue that piqued my interest, I attempted to translate it into art,” he said, adding that it was a challenge for him because he visualised his ideas before executing them.

Sharing further, the Bidayuh artist from Bau, Sarawak, said that once he has an idea to paint, he will analyse it.

“I usually think about an idea before sketching it on paper. Sub-ideas will emerge as a result of this process. Then I’ll decide on the size and medium to use. I also consider which colours to use.”

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According to the 62-year-old former art teacher, colours are important in art because they project the psychological aspect of the painting.

“People react differently to different colours. Playing with colours is important whether you want the painting to be calm or vibrant.”

SOS – Call of the wild — Melton created this painting to be displayed in an art gallery in Pulau Langkawi, hence the use of the island’s symbol. His main subject is an eagle, which represents all forms of life, particularly wildlife. Meanwhile, SOS is a widely recognised universal call for assistance and rescue in an emergency. All humans must respond to the call of the wild before the forest is depleted.

Melton would execute the idea on the medium of his choice once he is satisfied.

“You can feel the canvas controlling you at one point during the process. It has an impact on your next move. Then you must understand when to stop. If you overwork the painting, it will look completely different than you intended,” he said when met at his current art exhibition, ‘Repurpose,’ which was held at the Chemsains building on Jalan Rock in Kuching.

Melton, an abstract artist, said that it is difficult to create one.

“It’s not just a matter of painting it. It is the concept behind the painting, the execution of ideas, and everything that precedes the execution. An artist would need a lot of practise to compose an idea.”

Aside from that, he paints photographic landscapes and semi-abstract art. His artwork is meticulous, with each composition containing finer details.

The duration of each painting is determined by the size of the canvas and the complexity of each detail added.

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Rockers Dream — Melton created this in conjunction with the Siniawan Art and Folklore Music Festival 2022.

A full-time art career

Melton, who has been a full-time artist since retiring from the education sector, has had an interest in art since primary school. He remembered seeing his art teacher create a masterpiece in class.

“My teacher painted something that was so realistic-looking. I was astounded and thought I could do the same.”

Melton began his teacher training after finishing secondary school in 1979. Later, in 1986, he continued his studies in specialist teacher training with a major in art at an institute in Kuala Lumpur. During this time, he began painting seriously.

“I couldn’t do it when I was younger because art supplies were expensive and scarce in my village. We couldn’t afford to paint in our spare time,” he said.

Melton went on to work as an art teacher in various schools after graduating.

Despite his passion for art, he revealed that he wished he had retired sooner.

“I had thoughts about wanting to pursue my passion for art. I need to limit distractions in order to achieve this.”

Further elaborating, he stated that it will be difficult for an artist to pursue the arts if they have a full-time job.

“When you work while doing art, you will experience job-related stress. Then it’s difficult to focus on art.”

Melton believed that once we start concentrating on something, nothing should come in and disrupt our concentration.

“Once you stop, it is hard to start all over again.”

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Starting an art is difficult, according to an artist with decades of experience.

“This is the most difficult time. It is not difficult to do, but getting started is difficult.”

But can art be done full-time? Many people believe that it is not a stable job that can provide a stable income because the income is disposable. Melton, on the other hand, said that it is difficult to do art here.

“Art is a luxury item. When people buy a home, the first thing that comes to mind is a necessity, such as a television. Not art. This is part of the buying habit in this country. Nobody wants to decorate their home with original paintings.”

However, pursuing art in Sarawak is not impossible, as many people, albeit in a minority, have done so successfully.

“An artist requires a good space in a good location with a minimal rental fee. However, it becomes commercialised.”

Nonetheless, Melton believes that if an artist is sincere and works with passion and effort, he or she will succeed sooner or later.

What matters is perseverance; only then can an idea’s manifestation be magnified.

Those interested in viewing Melton’s paintings can do so by visiting his Facebook page at Manook Art Gallery-MaG. Ayak Gallery, Siniawan, Bau is another location where they can do so.

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