Category: Travel & Food

Trevi Café — Saradise’s hidden gem

A newly opened establishment in the quaint Saradise area, Trevi Cafe, intends to bring a European-style ambience to Kuching. The cafe features Italian- and French-inspired

Taste of Melanau food in Miri

If you yearn for Melanau food while in Miri City, you can contact Selihah Tarbi, 42, owner of Selihah Cafe & Catering. The Melanau food

Where to enjoy good western food?

BY DIYANA SAMSUDDIN KUCHING: If you are in Metrocity Matang, watch out for 20’s Kitchen, a Western food outlet located by the main road to

Types of noodles

Noodles are known to be a versatile food as there are no specific time or ways to eat it. Dry or soup, day or night,

The intricate art of mixing

Knowing how to create, or having the right tools to invent a cocktail, is not something for everyone. Knowing what your guests actually like to

Electra House now and then

BY CRYSTAL WONG Electra House opened for the first time in August 1965. When it opened it was completely a different affair as Sarawak was