No more talking, time to act

Jimmy Adit


Many say the federal village management council (MPKKP) is illegal and improper.

We have been made to understand that it’s illegal because the federal government cannot just simply set up something like the MPKKP and move funds in the state at will.

Federal funds brought into the state have to follow set procedures. The experts say there are no two ways to that; anything else is serious encroachment into the jurisdiction of the state government.

And, it is improper because it is a political vehicle of the PH government that wants to do the very thing the JKKK is doing, which is to administer the longhouses and villages.

The MPKKP is run by people who are members of DAP, PKR, Bersatu and Amanah whereas the JKKK draws its members from folk who win their respective village or longhouse elections.

Members of the JKKK may or may not be members of any political parties. In fact, the composition of the office-bearers of the JKKKs is made in such a way that village-based NGOs, the church or surau, youth movements, women’s groups, and even the village Kemas are represented.

Therefore, the JKKK is never anybody’s political tool. It has always been the village administrator that facilitates and acts as a go-between for the people and the various government departments such as the District Office, the Welfare Department and the Agriculture Department.

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In recent weeks attempts to set up MPKKPs have received strong objection from many quarters because the signs are it has the potential to disrupt the existing social structure. The MPKKP is intent on coercing and influencing folk into working with the PH government and rejecting the GPS state government.

The propagators of MPKKP in the state have declared a kind of open war against GPS; naturally the GPS people aren’t taking this lying down.

In the DUN now in session, GPS leaders have spoken out strongly against the MPKKP — in fact, against the PH government as a whole.

We have heard how GPS assemblymen have been banned from visiting schools and addressing students.

We know for sure now how Sarawak is the only state that has to pay to get the federal government to do something about our dilapidated schools.

We have heard how we Sarawakians have been cheated of our 20 percent O&G royalty and 50 percent of all tax made in the state.

We have heard of traitors and betrayers who had stopped the PH government from putting aside funds for perimeter survey of NCR land and funds for the allowance of community leaders in the state.

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And we have heard of Sarawakians who are ‘ulun’ (slaves) of their Malayan masters, who are in the position to help the state but prefer to apple-polish in Putrajaya at our expense.

Chinese action movies of the 70s screened on Astro’s Channel 321 hardly ever go without these apple-polishers who served their masters so blindly faithfully even when their wives and daughters were molested in front of them.

Indeed we have been lied to. We have been lied to by ‘ulun’.

We have also had to come up with our own money to make up for the federal shortfall.

We have done a lot where the federal government has failed, but we have not satisfactorily addressed some issues that we have spoken so much about.

I think Sarawakians have had enough of the rhetoric.

We have argued our case. We have said it in public — in the newspapers and in the social media — and people are asking: Why no action? When are they going to act?

We really have said enough and it’s really time for GPS to act.

If GPS must go to court over the 5 percent unpaid sales tax by Petronas, file that court action. Since there seems to be commitment on the part of the state DAP for a court action to be taken, get them involved. Perhaps this is the opportunity for Sarawakians, irrespective of their political affiliation, to fight together for a common cause.

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On the MPKKP, if it is illegal, why are we not stopping it?

Yesterday we said the MPKKP is illegal. Today we said it again, but the illegal MPKKP is still being promoted.

Folk in the villages and longhouses are confused; suddenly they are faced with two governments, each claiming it is the rightful power.

Which is it — MPKKP or JKKK? PH or GPS?

If the MPKKP is illegal, stop it!

If it is illegal it means it is against the law, and that law must be allowed to take its course. GPS must make sure that the law is allowed to take its course.

We have talked so much and the cows have come home many times and gone out to the pastures as many times as well.

We can’t be talking all the time and the cow keeps coming and going with no meaningful end in sight.

We and the cows are moving in cycle!

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