Sunday, 16 June 2024

KCH-karim movie-2002-rs 05
100 e tunai
Mixed reaction to RM100 e-cash credit
BY NUR FARIHAN RAZALI MUKAH: The federal government has agreed to give a RM100 e-cash credit to all Malaysian adults earning RM100,000 a year and below. According to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar...
KCH-hope place-2807-nsh-1
Charity Without Borders campaign covers seven Ulu Rajang longhouses
KUCHING: Hope Place visited seven longhouses at Ulu Rajang last weekend for their annual Charity Without Borders campaign. The non-governmental organisation, in a statement yesterday, said it had teamed...
Sarawak's green vision earns praise from PM
KUCHING: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has applauded the Sarawak government’s progressive economic strategy, commending the state’s dedication to sustainable development and high-income...
RM1.4 mln set aside to assess Sarawak’s forest carbon stock
THE Forest Department Sarawak (FDS) will carry out a detailed forest carbon assessment to determine the current status of carbon stock in forested areas in Sarawak. Minister of Finance and New Economy...
DUN SITTING NOV 20-29 2023
Energy Transition Policy to ensure safe, reliable energy for Sarawakians
THE state government has initiated the drafting of Energy Transition Policy for Sarawak. Minister of Finance and New Economy Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said the policy aims to ensure...
Cops seek suspect to help in probe
LUBOK ANTU: Police are looking for Jeffrey Tarang to assist them in investigations into a human trafficking case last month. Lubok Antu police chief DSP Victor Ripon said that the suspect is a 28-year-old...
DUN SITTING NOV 20-29 2023
RM200 mln for tourism programmes
A SUM of RM200 million has been allocated for the implementation of various tourism programmes under the 2024 State Budget since the tourism sector is one of the major contributors to the state economy. “We...
Elderly lightly injured as banana tree falls on him
SIBURAN: An elderly man sustained minor injuries when a banana tree fell on him at a farm in Mile 20, Jalan Kuching-Serian last night (Nov 19). The injured man being handed over to the paramedics to...
DUN SITTING NOV 20-29 2023
RM662 mln for road and bridge projects
UNDER the 2024 State Budget, a sum of RM662 million will be set aside for the implementation of various road and bridge projects. Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg stressed that road...
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KPDNHEP considering increasing branches in Sarawak
KUCHING: The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) will consider the need to increase the number of ministry branches in Sarawak in an effort to provide better service to consumers in...
Pharmacy filler
Community pharmacists now among first phase of vaccine recipients
PUTRAJAYA: Community pharmacists are now included in the list of frontliners who will be vaccinated under the first phase of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme. Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr...
roadblock mco
330 individuals fined RM10,000 each for flouting SOPs
KUALA LUMPUR: A total 330 individuals have been issued compound notices of RM10,000 each to date for flouting the movement control order (MCO) standard operating procedure (SOP) nationwide, said...
Situation improves, daily new cases remain below 2,000
BY MELATI MOHD ARIFF This is a round-up of Covid-19 related matters in Malaysia and globally from March 6 up to noon today. In Malaysia, case numbers have exceeded 319,000. KUALA LUMPUR: Covid-19 transmissions...
DidikTV: Teaching in front of camera a new experience
KUALA LUMPUR: Recently, a radio disc jockey took a lot of flak when he shared a TikTok video of a primary school teacher conducting a science lesson in English on the new Education TV channel DidikTV and...
Two teenagers charged with insulting teachers
KOTA BHARU: Two teenage boys who wore school uniform scribbled with abusive and vulgar words against teachers which went viral on social media recently were charged in the Magistrate’s Court here today...
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15 June 2024

1 1,085 1,086 1,087 1,088 1,089 1,459
1 1,085 1,086 1,087 1,088 1,089 1,128
1 1,085 1,086 1,087 1,088 1,089 1,171