Sunday, 16 June 2024

KCH-pschool 1st day-0201-man (1)
RM3m approved for Sg Menuan, Sg Ibau roads
A sum of RM3 million has been approved for Jalan Sungai Menuan and Jalan Sungai Ibau for initial works and design. This was disclosed by Assistant Minister of Coastal Road Datuk Julaihi Narawi when answering...
Lions Nursing Home to hold charity fair Dec 3
KUCHING: Some 85 stalls will participate in the Charity Food Fair organised by the Lions Nursing Home on Dec 3, from 8am to 12.30pm at its premises at Jalan Stutong, Off BDC, Stampin here. Former Director...
Man loses items worth RM1,500 to robbers
The three suspects being taken to Miri Central Police Station for further action. MIRI : Police here detained three men on suspicion of being involved in a robbery case outside an entertainment premises...
SK Long Sukang project implemented in two phases
KUCHI NG: The project of SK Long Sukang is to be implemented in two phases. Assistant Minister of Education, Science and Technological Research Dr Annuar Rapaee said phase 1, consists of a block of six...
CM recieves courtesy call by PASBK delegates
CHIEF Minister Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang Johari Tun Openg in a photo with PASBK delegates led by Abdul Rahman Zainudin (seated left). PHOTO: PENERANGAN KUCHING : Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi (Dr) Abang...
Poser over floating ‘parok’ at Oya River
TWO villagers travelling on a longboat trying to avoid the floating ‘parok’ nearby a village in Dalat. DALAT: Some of the residents residing along Oya River were suggesting that a mass river cleaning activity...
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15 June 2024