Increase number of women in politics, leadership, Unity Govt urged

Fatimah (second left) poses for a group photo with (from left) Parti Rakyat Sarawak political secretary Roseline Neging, Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) political secretary Kho Teck Huan, and Progressive Democratic Party political secretary Dr Florince Christy.


KUCHING: The Unity Government has been urged to further improve the quantity and quality of women’s involvement in politics and leadership, which must be carried out consciously and systematically.

Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) Women chief Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah said this is so that various ideas, legislative proposals, and regulations that touch on the rights, welfare, and wellbeing of women can be provided in a fair and equitable manner.

“Women are also the backbone of the struggle of any party and politics,” she said when delivering her keynote address at the Unity Government National Women Convention in Kuala Lumpur today (May 14).

As such, Fatimah pointed out that the women’s wing aspires to give back the best to society.

“This is so that they too can enjoy the fruits of independence and experience the products and outcomes of sustainable economic development,” she said.

Fatimah added that the women’s wing focuses on addressing issues in education, expanding women’s economic opportunities, raising social awareness, increasing women’s involvement in decision-making, and boosting involvement in non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to help those in need.

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Meanwhile, she noted that political stability, sustainable economic development, and the wellbeing of the people are the key priorities of the Unity Government and are in line with the aspirations and development agenda of Sarawak under GPS.

“The GPS Women Wing holds the view that supporting the federal-level Unity Government also means supporting efforts to strengthen unity between races, enhance the quality of life with dignity for the people, accelerate economic development and growth, and enrich the people and the country,” she said.

Fatimah, who is also the Women, Early Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development Minister, asserted that the women’s wing voiced their full support for the Unity Government based on their belief that it will continue to uphold social justice, prioritise equality, practise inclusive policies, and promote unity among Malaysia’s diverse communities.

She added that the support is founded on the understanding that Sarawak’s position and rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) will be recognised and protected.

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In light of this, Fatimah said that the GPS Women’s Wing would like to appeal for undivided support and sincere understanding from the Unity Government in the determined efforts of the Sarawak Premier to implement various new initiatives aimed at developing the economy.

This includes increasing state revenue through the approach of reengineering revenue and pioneering new economic strategies.

Fatimah (second left) at the signing ceremony of the Women’s Unity Pledge. Also seen is Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (fourth left).

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