Premium cakes beneath frosting and cream

Home-based baker, Wenny holding a customer’s birthday cake



IN the world of baking, creativity knows no bounds. From intricate floral patterns to whimsical cartoon characters, cake decorators have always found ways to showcase their artistic flair.

However, 36-year-old, Wenny Charlie is taking cake decoration to a whole new level by incorporating Sarawak motifs into her creations.

From Modest Beginnings to Sweet Success

Her journey began nearly nine years ago when she embarked on a small venture selling traditional delicacies like fried noodles and confectioneries by the roadside at 15th Mile, near Kampung Seratau, Siburan.

“When I was 19, I used to work as a clerk but I decided to give up my job at the age of 24 because my baby needed to be breastfed at that time,” she recalled.

The mother of two also said that her interests and priorities shifted as she matured.

Wenny’s foray into the world of baking started in an unexpected way.

Initially, she stepped into the role temporarily at the request of her mother-in-law, who needed to care for her sister-in-law in the peninsula.

As Wenny took charge of the stall, she discovered her innate talent for creating unique food and drink concepts, fueling her desire to explore further.

It was during this period that her husband recognised her culinary talents and wholeheartedly supported her aspirations.

Wenny’s baking space

Passion, Perseverance and Pursuit of Excellence

With the vast resources available online and on social media platforms, Wenny embarked on a journey of self-learning.

Inspired by postings she came across online, particularly those showcasing beautifully decorated cupcakes and mini cakes, Wenny felt a strong urge to acquire the skills needed to create such delightful treats.

Determined to learn, she diligently studied recipes and techniques, understanding the importance of practice in honing her abilities. Every day, Wenny dedicated herself to improving her craft through continuous practice.

In 2016, she took her first step into the world of cake decoration though haltingly as she had limited equipment. Undeterred, she sought out opportunities to learn and expand her knowledge.

Concurrently, she began selling her creations on Facebook, taking orders for parties and special events. It was a turning point for Wenny when she decided to sell durian crepes for three days, managing to produce an astonishing 200 boxes.

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“It was a request from my cousin for her company gathering and until today,I cannot believe I managed to make that much,” she said.

This success, however, came at a cost with Wenny working tirelessly for two consecutive days, sleeping for less than two hours.

Passion Meets Skills: Mastering the Art of Decoration

Not long after a year, she started to get to know about premium cakes when she stumbled upon tutorials by celebrity chef Anna Olson on television, whose creations captivated her attention.

Determined to create premium cakes with solid, heavy batter, Wenny realised the importance of mastering the techniques rather than simply following recipes.

“I often advised my friends not to solely rely on recipes but to prioritise learning the essential techniques that underpin baking excellence,” she said.

However, her early forays into cake decoration were met with skepticism due to her relative inexperience.

“My previous customers used to make fun of my creations because of the messy and crowded look, But I don’t blame them because I was a newbie and I had no ideas yet,” Wenny said.

Undeterred, she took online lessons with Chef Ave Bayle from Philippines, mastering various buttercream techniques, including Italian buttercream, Swiss meringue and American buttercream.

Building Brand and Engaging Customers

To meet the growing demand for her cakes, Wenny transformed a section of her parking porch into a mini baking room. Faced with limited space in her home, she transformed the area into a functional and efficient workspace.

Equipped with essential baking tools and equipment, she meticulously organised her ingredients and utensils, turning her parking porch into a haven for creativity and culinary excellence where she pours her heart and soul into creating her signature confections.

“Each cake requires a minimum of 12 hours to be done, while simpler designs can be completed in just two hours, producing a dozen cakes,” she expressed.

Wenny’s commitment to excellence led her to develop her own signature collection of cakes. No longer content with basic sponge cakes, she experimented with flavours, textures and designs, constantly pushing the boundaries of her skills.

Over time, she honed her craft, creating masterpieces such as the American Chocolate cake, Double Chocolate cake, Red Velvet cheesecake, Pandan Caramel cake and Mango Indulgence cake.

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“My latest signature cake is the Chocolate Patty cake. It is named after my friend Patty, who has supported me in my journey as a cake enthusiast and made it for her daughter’s birthday.

The cake consists of layers of chocolate cake, mousse cream, chocolate cheesecake, more mousse cream, another layer of chocolate cake, and is finally covered with chocolate mousse cream,” Wenny added.

“My price always starts from RM150 and above depending on the design and budget,” she said.

For wedding cakes, she limits the tiers to three due to their weight and density. Birthday cakes are available in sizes starting from six inches and above.

Although some customers assume that smaller cakes would be cheaper, they fail to consider the intricacy involved in creating designs on smaller surfaces.

In addition to her regular offerings, Wenny provides a party package that includes a birthday cake, a selection of desserts like fruit tarts, as well as door gifts comprising brownies and cupcakes from RM399, RM499 and RM599.

Wenny’s price range varies depending on the type of baked goods. During the festive seasons like Chinese New Year, Gawai Day and Christmas, she sells various layered cakes and biscuits ranging from RM20 to RM25.

She is remarkably able to cater to customers from afar, places like Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Singapore and New Zealand.

Fruit tarts by Wenny

Challenges and Triumphs

The post-Covid era presented its own set of obstacles, including limited resources and increased costs of ingredients.

“The desserts I sell go beyond mere necessity. It is about creating moments of joy and delight, even in the face of adversity.”

Wenny understands the financial constraints that some people may face, especially during these challenging times. With this in mind, she strives to make her desserts accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.

To ensure that everyone can enjoy her delectable treats, Wenny regularly holds weekend sales, where customers can indulge in her desserts at discounted prices like Batik Cake and Burnt Cheesecake.

Customers however attempt to negotiate for lower prices, often unaware of the premium nature of her cakes beneath the frosting and cream.

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“I take pride in using high-quality ingredients to ensure customer satisfaction, but this commitment to excellence often goes unnoticed,” she said.

As a dedicated baker who pours her heart and soul into her creations, this can be disheartening. However, Wenny remains steadfast in her belief that sincerity is key.

She understands the value of her work and the superior quality she delivers, even if it may not be apparent to every customer.

Wenny also faces the challenge of balancing her responsibilities as a home-based baker and a mother.

The demands of motherhood are ever-present, and Wenny’s priority is her children. From picking them up from school to attending to their needs, she ensures that her role as a mother is never compromised.

To accommodate her busy lifestyle, Wenny’s day starts early, usually at 4am. This early wake-up call allows her to maximise her time in the kitchen before the demands of the day unfold.

By starting her baking process early, she can prepare the necessary components, bake the cakes, and attend to the intricate details that make her creations exceptional.

Empowering Mothers to Pursue Their Dreams

In Wenny’s world, baking is more than a culinary endeavour. It is a manifestation of creativity, dedication and the ability to bring joy to others.

Through her extraordinary cakes and unwavering determination, she has not only delighted taste buds but also become a beacon of inspiration for all who dare to follow their dreams.

“One phrase that I have always held onto until today is ‘better late than never.’ It reminded me that it’s never too late to pursue our dreams. Don’t let the fear of starting late or not having enough experience hold you back,” she said.

Every step forward counts, no matter how small. Take that leap of faith and embark on your baking journey with determination and enthusiasm.

“I want to see more mothers flourishing and realising their dreams. Be diligent in honing your craft, devote time to improving your skills and strive for excellence in every creation,” she added.

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