Monday, 3 June 2024

Rickie Andrewson, Melissa Francis at CATS Kumang Gawai Darlie final
Some of the finalists helping the founder of Hope Place, Kelvin Wan (right) to paint the house of Encik Ayai at Lorong 5J1, Sinar Budi in Batu Kawa. Rickie Andrewson will be on hand to entertain the public...
Fire drill successfully held at KcSH
KPJ Kuching Specialist Hospital (KcSH) Management Team and Emergency Response Team posing with the Commander of the Bomba team at the hospital lobby after the fire drill. From sixth right and seventh right...
South African bands to shake things up at Rainforest Festival
KUCHING: South African bands, Abavuki and Kelele will be performing at the Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) from 14 to 16 July at the Sarawak Cultural Village. Abavuki, which means “Wake up, early...
Gawai fun at The Spring
A band performing on the mini stage. The Spring’s Little Baruk. AT The Spring’s Ruai Gawai Kitai. KUCHING: Do visit The Spring Shopping Mall which is all set to welcome the upcoming Gawai Festival. Culture...
Jessie Chin wins grand prize of contest
MIRI: Jessie Chin won the grand prize of the Boulevard  Klassno/NutriRite Buy and Win Contest. With the win Jessie took home Boulevard cash voucher worth RM1,000. The first prize was won by Houng...
Villagers seek PELITA’s help to develop sago plantation
  ISEY (3rd left) and other villagers with Abor (right) at PELITA Office Mukah during a visit, recently. MUKAH: Residents of Kampung Tanam Dalat hoped an area estimated to be about 1,500 hectares...
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1 June 2024