Health office confirms 108,000 registrations

SERIAN: A total of 108,000 residents from the Serian district registered for vaccine shots which will be received during the second and third phases Covid-19 vaccination programme. The division’s resident Tuah Suni said the total number of participants was based on the registration received and collected by the Serian Division Health Office. He explained that […]

Don’t hesitate to get vaccinated

SERIAN: The public is advised to not hesitate in getting vaccinated as it is made to protect them and their families. Kedup assemblyman Martin Ben said that members of the public should register to receive the vaccine. “Do not listen to irresponsible news spread by irresponsible people about this vaccine,” he told reporters during the […]

Up to FSJA to select media reps to be immunised first

KUCHING: The list of 13 media representatives to get the Covid-19 vaccine under the first phase of the vaccination programme today, was submitted by the Federation of Sarawak Journalists Associations (FSJA). Sarawak medical director Dr Chin Zin Hing said the Health Department had no part in the selection as it was only concerned with the […]

Army personnel on missions first to be vaccinated

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) personnel involved in operations and foreign missions are among the first group to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, said Senior Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob. The MAF personnel are the ones who currently and would be deployed in operation areas such as Ops Benteng and Ops […]

Thumbs-up to national immunisation programme

KUCHING: Several community leaders and village chiefs in Tatau district welcomed the government’s efforts on National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme. They said the government’s move was a good one to cut off the chain of Covid-19 transmissions in order to safeguard the people. They also urged the public not to be influenced by negative elements on […]

Public urged to register for vaccination

ENGKILILI: The public have been advised not to procrastinate in registering themselves for the Covid-19 vaccination. SUPP Engkilili branch exco member Desmond Sateng Sanjan said the government had opened all available channels for the registration process. “So stop procrastinating and get yourselves registered. The vaccine is free for all. “Registration can either be done through […]

Immunisation programme begins, daily new cases dip below 2,000

This is a round-up of Covid-19 related matters in Malaysia and globally from Feb 20 up to noon today. In Malaysia, case numbers have exceeded 293,000. KUALA LUMPUR: Developments over this week have been reassuring with the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme having kicked off three days ago and daily new infections dipping below 2,000 yesterday […]

Sabah gets first batch of Covid-19 vaccine

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah has taken delivery of its first batch of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for use in the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme, which was launched on Wednesday (Feb 24). A special aircraft carrying the vaccine landed at the Kota Kinabalu International Airport here at 12.40pm today (Feb 25). Flight TH314, operated by Raya Airways, was flown by Kapten Muhamad Noazli Muhamad Najib, […]

Aged care centres need more time to pre-register for vaccination plan

KUALA LUMPUR: The Association for Residential Aged Care Operators of Malaysia (Agecope) expressed hope that the Covid-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee Special Committee (JKJAV) to give both licensed and unlicensed care homes more time for to pre-register for the vaccination plan. Its president Delren Terrence Douglas said longer time is needed to provide an on-site vaccination plan, and to […]

Abang Jo gets the first jab tomorrow

KUCHING: Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg will kick-start the state immunisation programme tomorrow. He will be the first person in the state to be injected with the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at the Petra Jaya Health Clinic here. He is expected to receive the vaccine shot at 3pm. Among those who will receive […]