Words of advice to young writers

KUCHING: Critical writing must be able to reflect a writer’s observations, said Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Sarawak Branch (DBP) director Abang Haliman Abang Julai. “A critic should assess the quality of a work in an accurate manner based on a particular theory or approach. “A good essay  must have the elements of  aesthetics, intellectual knowledge […]

Be brave, young writers urged

BY DIYANA SAMSUDDIN KUCHING: Intellectual materials should be written using beautiful language, said Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) Sarawak director Abang Haliman Abang Julai. “New and young writers need to reinvent themselves in building and enhancing their creative identity. “Writers should be brave and have the courage to change for the better,” he said in […]