Author: Clement Erik Wong

Three new Covid-19 cases recorded today

KUCHING: Sarawak recorded three new Covid-19 cases today, pushing the cumulative total to 1,045 cases. The Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) said all three cases were detected here through active case detection (ACD) and close contact screening on positive cases reported previously. “Case 1,043 is colleague and had close contact

None of kindergartens to operate at full capacity due to fears

KOTA SAMARAHAN: The reopening of kindergartens and child-care centres in the green zones of Sarawak beginning on Tuesday has met with mixed responses and reviews. A survey among kindergarten teachers and parents revealed that almost all kindergartens are not operating at full capacity at the moment because there are lingering

Lundu now a green zone

KUCHING: The district of Lundu has now been categorised as a green zone. This came after no locally transmitted cases of Covid-19 were detected or reported in the district in the past 14 days. State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) said Kuching district remained as a red zone with 101 locally

Sarawak records one case

KUCHING: One new positive case of Covid-19 was recorded in the state today, bringing the cumulative total to 1,042 cases. State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) said the case was a locally transmitted case and has been categorised as Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (Sari). “The case has been screened for experiencing

New kidney dialysis centre ready next March

MIRI: The new Malaysian Red Crescent (MRC) Kidney Dialysis Centre in Permyjaya is expected to be ready by March next year. Senadin assemblyman Datuk Lee Kim Shin said the dialysis centre was now 50 percent completed. He said construction work had been slightly delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak

In pursuit of quality, sustainable public infrastructure

SARAWAK aspires to have high quality and environmentally sustainable public infrastructure by 2030 to drive the state’s socioeconomic growth alongside with advancement in digital and green economy. Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said the state aspired to have world-class utilities that are reliable, economical, safe and sustainable.

Sarawak to pursue digital technology vigorously

ADOPTION of digital technology will be vigorously pursued in the coming 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) and beyond. Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said his priority had always been to bring about a major paradigm shift in development strategy through adoption of digital technology. “This is the way

Slow recovery for tourism industry

SARAWAK’S tourism industry is expected to slowly recover next year with an estimated 1.4 million in visitor arrivals and RM3.5 billion in tourism receipts. Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said unlike other economic sectors, the tourism sector which was among the worst hit by the Covid-19

Charting industry post Covid-19

Third Sarawak Tourism Masterplan THE Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MTAC) together with Economic Planning Unit (EPU) Sarawak have embarked on the Third Sarawak Tourism Masterplan study to chart the way forward for Sarawak’s tourism industry post Covid-19. Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan said, the

Formation proposal now with state government

Southern Region Development Agency A proposal to establish the Southern Region Development Agency (SRDA) has been forwarded to the state government. It was proposed by Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Datuk Amar Jamilah Anu and Dr Hazland Abang Hipni. Abdul Rahman said the development agency would have control over three constituencies