Freshwater prawn season on again

MUKAH: Fishers appear to have started flooding Sungai Tellian again, this time in compliance with standard operating procedures (SOPs) which must be followed throughout the recovery movement control order (RMCO). Approximately five kilometres from Mukah town, Sungai Tellian – known for its cleanliness (despites its reddish black water) – is a haven for freshwater prawns. […]

NGOs help govt to create caring society: Fatimah

OYA:  The government recognises the noble contributions by various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in assisting the government to create a caring and loving society. Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development Minister Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah said every NGO has its own target group in providing certain assistance regardless of colour. “The government recognises their […]

New normal: Ukas to help

MUKAH: Tellian assemblyman Yussibnosh Balo described the establishment of Sarawak Public Relations Unit (Ukas) in the Chief Minister’s (CM) Department as important because it helps to disseminate relevant information pertaining to the state. Ukas was set up at the end of 2018 after the defeat of former Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government by Pakatan Harapan […]

SK Tellian 100 percent complete

MUKAH: All residents of Kampung Tellian and parents from outside the area wishing to enrol their children at the new Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kampung Tellian will definitely be excited about the reopening of the school soon. This is due to the news of the long-awaited completion of the school building which is expected to begin […]

Worrying complacency on pandemic among locals

MUKAH: There seems to be so much complacency among local folk here pertaining to the current Covid-19 pandemic situation here despite one positive case in Bintulu recently was suspected to have originated from this district. A lot have mixed feelings about adherence to the mandated standard operating procedures (SOPs) as initiatives to curb the spread […]

Beverage seller relieved to finally resume business

MUKAH: A takeaway beverage seller has described the movement control order (MCO) due to the Covid-19 pandemic as “taking away his life”. Fabian Laberi, in his 40s, has been operating his modest business for about two years when suddenly he, like many others in the economic sector nationwide, was ordered to shut operations until further […]

Road finally gets traffic control markings

MUKAH: After years without any proper road traffic control markings, Jalan Haji Mohd Pauzi, the road in front of SMK St Patrick here, is finally getting them. New Sarawak Tribune discovered that yellow boxes, yellow lines and zebra crossings, done last May, had been completed Monday. These measures will certainly help ensure the safety of […]

SMK St Patrick gets ready to reopen

MUKAH:  Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) St Patrick has begun making necessary preparations to comply with the standard operating procedures (SOPs) before schools reopen on June 24 nationwide. New Sarawak Tribune on Monday found the teachers and supporting staff busy with the preparations which included providing room in the school compound for social distancing as required […]

Matu Daro residents await their bridge

MUKAH:  While many people living along the state’s coastal roads are elated with Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari’s announcement Thursday on the resumption of construction works on several bridges statewide, residents of Matu and Daro districts here feel ‘cut off’ because their areas are yet to be connected by a bridge. The residents in […]

Consumers lodge 40 complaints in Mukah

MUKAH: The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Mukah Branch received 40 complaints from consumers during the movement control order (MCO) until the conditional movement control order (CMCO) from March 18 to June 4. Mukah branch head Salihin Den said all the complaints had been investigated and found that there were 18 cases, of […]